Sunday, February 11, 2007

How To Use Girls Pics

(For full text with comments please click on the title)

Regardless if you are creating your myspace accounts manually or the lightning fast way with Space Promoter, your gonna need pictures of girls!

This post isn't concerned with where you get them, this tip is about how you select them!

Try to select girls between the ages of 18 to 24. This is the ideal age group. Don't use pics where the girls look too young, even if they are over 18, if they look too young, there could be problems. The girls should be hot, but don't over do it. Don't use super model material! Look for more regular looking girls that are hot!

The more sexy and or provocative the better! Obviously you can't use nudes, but a little skin is fine, and if the pose is suggestive or provocative, use it! Sex sells! And don't think your only going to attract the guys, you'll be surprised how many females you attract too!

You should have at least 50 pics to get started with. Resize the images if needed, they should not be any larger then around 450 to 500 pixels high or wide. You only need one pic for each account. Try not to use the same image on a different account.


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